Fire Volunteering in New Market

As a Scout, I was inspired to start fire volunteering at the New Market on April 15, 2023, because of a deep commitment to community service and a desire to help those in need. The incident highlighted the importance of quick response and preparedness, and I wanted to contribute to making my community safer and more resilient against such emergencies.
We quickly conducted a scout team, and collaborated with local authorities, firefighters, army, navy and air force community peoples to organize efforts. Everyone give their best efforts and participated in firefighting with the help of fire service, Then the rescue operations, and providing immediate assistance to affected individuals.
Through the New Market fire volunteer project, I learned the critical importance of rapid response and coordinated action in emergencies. We discovered the power of community resilience and the impact of offering not just physical aid but also emotional support to those affected. This experience strengthened our teamwork, deepened our understanding of fire safety, and underscored the Scout values of empathy and solidarity in times of adversity.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme
Humanitarian action

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