Fiji Scouts and Messengers of Peace team has always been helping the Fijian communities. The rising number of unemployment, criminal cases, discrimination and domestic violence is a major concern in the nation. The scouts team as messengers of peace helped the citizens in many ways.
The project started on the 1st of September, 2021 with a pledge to promote peace. The project took place in all the scouting districts in Fiji in the form of virtual celebrations/conferences, peace activities such as tree planting, food distribution, pledges, engagement of non- scouts and many more.
Leaders from different districts met virtually to reflect and plan the activities.
The 27 days of promoting peace around the nation was very successful. More than 250 leaders were engaged in this month long celebration. The scout leaders assisted many youths, elderly people and NGOs also. Awareness on covid-19, racial discrimination and violence was also done via social media which attracted many non-scouts to join scouting.
The project had a great impact on community youths, elderly people and also people with special needs.
We learnt so many things from this month long program of promoting peace. Firstly The team learnt some ways we can gather more scouts and non-scouts into environment related activities.
Secondly, the need to include people with special needs should be a must. It allows them to gain social, communication and other developmental skills. Finally the team also reflected on policies which can be done so that more people can be included in scouting activities.