Expansion of Scouting in Orphanages, Bangladesh
Due to the major outbreak of coronavirus Virus Disease, all Educational Institutions were closed. Bangladesh Scouts took some initiatives in online continuing scouting activities, Orphanage students could not avail of those opportunities because of having no smartphone, Internet facilities, and many other reasons. In this situation, Bangladesh Scouts has planned to instigate a project named “Expansion of Scouting in Madrasa Orphanages in Bangladesh”
In the initiating phase, we mapped out the orphanages with the support of our regional offices. We collected information about the institutes and identified potential target people who could be scout leaders. We planned to have an orientation and a basic course to increase their knowledge and skill in scouting as they could open a unit at their institute. We planned to open 34 scout units
Following the project Planning 34 adult leaders from the orphanages participated in the orientation course and were supposed to receive the basic course for opening the scout unit. 17 cub units have been opened with 408 (17*24) scout beneficiaries. Also, we counted the direct participants scouts 200 that includes the MoP volunteers at the district level whom we worked with. Here we reached 102. We targeted 1000 beneficiaries, however, we reached 680 ( 17 incstitute*40 general students)
We struggled a lot to ensure that activities were promptly implemented, monitored and progressed according to the project schedule. After approving the project the pandemic has been embarked on. The education institutes including orphanages closed following the Government notice. The management of the Orphanages was not so interested in opening the scout unit at their institute. The problem was mitigated by engaging the management of Bangladesh Scouts and issuing a letter to the orphanages