especial jota joti 3 to 5 2020

especial jota joti 3 to 5 2020

PROJECT SANKALP SANKALP TO CREATE A BETTER TOMORROW.. [D] Digital Scouting Guiding Challenge No. 1 : Special JOTI 2020 I have successfully completed my challange of Special JOTI 2020.i connect to other learn new skills, bring scouting guiding online and more new knowledge new action make a better world. Feeling so proud & happy while sharing with you all.. #bsgindia #scouts4sdgs #stayathome #sankalpbyscoutguide #digitalscoutingguiding #specialjoti #jotajoti #sustainabledevelopmentgoals
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Personal safety
Legacy BWF

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