Profile picture for user Ivan Fierro_1

Erradicación Progresiva Del Trabajo Infantil

This project is aimed to guarantee that children dedicate time to enjoy their childhood as happily as possible within a safe and healthy environment where they will not only learn new things but they will also develop personally. Also try to incentivate a healthy life through the scout method guided by beneficiaries of the scout group Flecha Dorada #29. Beneficiaries: Daniel Toscano, Sofia Rosero, Maicool Zurita, Jonathan Armijos, Micaela Lascano, Bianca Sinaluisa, Samantha Quevedo, Iván Fierro.
The project was developed in Quito, Ecuador. It was decided to carry out the project in a low-income sector due to the large number of children and large families. The project was run for 2 weeks divided into 2 schedules during the morning. The project began on Tuesday, August 1, 2021. The first cycle began at 8:00 am, approximately with a capacity of 25 children. The second cycle started at 10:30 until 12:30. The project itinerary implement recreational and manual activities.
This project was key to improve the environment where children live because the Scout method allowed to achieve a pleasant coexistence through games, crafts and Scout values. Eventually, the interaction children-volunteers became better as a result of trust and affection.
This summer project left good memories and experiences not only to children but also to volunteers. Scout Volunteers remembered how important education through values is whereas children reinforced aspects like the power of happiness and how respect will make you become a better person and citizen in today's society.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Communications and Scouting Profile
Interpersonal skills
Skills for Life

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