
Empowering Women in many Sectors.

to continue the efforts made by Arab region and the partners organizations since 2015, via a project to train female scout leaders from many Arab Scout organizations, including:(Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Tunisia,) and their role in delivering training to female refugees to empowering Women Economically, Socially, and their illiteracy.

There was a training at the Arab Scout Region level titled “The Arab Training for Female Scout Leaders. & other trainings in the mentioned countries. Each of the Associations that participated in the project, they were provided training on literacy and women’s economic empowerment Lebanon Scouting Federation: 107 participants. Les Scouts Tunisians: 160 participants. The Jordanian Association for Boys and Girls Guides: 120 participants.

There were results that could be seen in the long term through the learning of refugee women and the projects that will be established to support families economically: o Psychological support and community coexistence o How to plan a small project and the mechanisms for its success and continuity o Reading and writing the letters of the alphabet o get the knowledge on Mathematics and calculation methods

- Dealing with the changes and challenges that occurred during project implementation development such as adaptation strategies and overcoming obstacles. - Effective communication between female refugees and the presence of groups of them who thought together to implement projects that would contribute to supporting them economically and raising their standard of living.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Interpersonal skills
Civic engagement

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