Educational law program-quest "Manage your life"

Educational law program-quest "Manage your life"

NGO "National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine" initiated in early 2014 for legal quest "Manage your life", which was implemented in several regions. Mykolaiv regional branch of the "National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine" in 2014, organized and conducted three such programs: winter (January 18, 2014), spring (15 March 2014) and autumn (November 22, 2014) for pupils and students, Nikolaev region. The goal of the program is attracting students and students with modern knowledge of human rights issues, educate youth on prevention and combating human trafficking, raising awareness of the active part of youth receiving information in a variety of structures, preparation of documents for travel abroad. The content and progress of the program is the author's development team scout leaders Mykolayiv oblast branch of "National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine". The quest program has provided a fascinating virtual legal "tour" through 5 countries. And, as in real life, to travel abroad, but in games, interactive form, participants received a "passport", visited the embassies of countries, gathered the necessary documents in the "state" structures for visa and travel abroad. Attending certain institutions ("Bank", "Insurance company", "Educational institution", "Embassy", "Country"), the participants found answers to legal questions, was a kind of puzzle on the theme of the Quest. Young citizens of Ukraine have filled similar to these samples forms for visa and migration card countries of the visit had created a "living" sculptures as symbols of unity among people from different countries. Wrote a short speech on human rights, simulated situations out of problematic status in a foreign country, was looking for in the Internet the appropriate state, local, and international organizations that provide assistance to migrants who are in a difficult situation and so on After completion of the events, the organizers of the program were summarized and defined the team that scored the most points during your stay in the "countries". All participants are awarded with diplomas. Mykolayiv regional branch of the "National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine" in the conduct of legal quests "Manage your life" was promoted by the Department of education, science and youth of Nikolaev regional state administration, Department of education of Mykolaiv city Council, the Department of justice in the Mykolaiv region, the administration of the secondary school №19, Nikolaeva, administration, and student Board black sea state University named after Petro Mohyla. Affiliate support - Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Foundation for child well-being", MTV EXIT, PepsiCo Ukraine LLC "Sandora".
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Global Support Assessment Tool

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