Education through Scouting

Education through Scouting

Scouting is one of the non-formal education and co-curricular activity that contributes a holistic development. It has service-oriented activities for community development and outdoor-centered activities which promotes good health of the youth that teaches boys and girls to different crafts and skills. There are following growth areas in scouting: a. Physical Development – it is process through body regulation, health and personal hygiene. The life in the outdoor may boost a child’s confidence through participation in sports, games and recreational activities. It also helps the time management through distribution of their time between studies, obligations and leisure activities. b. Creativity – through scouting, one enhance his creativity. Various activities which are essential for the development of the cognitive and intellectual processes are done during camps or jamborees. One enhances his/her abilities to imagine, make inference, draw conclusions and make various solutions to problems. Mind-stimulating programs are promoted which fosters friendliness, freedom and security for the youth but with the guidance and support of adult leaders. c. Character – individuals develop their character by being surrounded by different people who possess different characteristics. By scouting, scouts meet people who could contribute some freely accepted values which could give them opportunities to reflect upon life, learn more about them and promote camaraderie with other people. d. Affective Development – the learning process in scouting aims to maintain a state of emotional freedom, expressing both positive and negative feelings, yet being sensitive with other peoples’ emotions. Emotional maturity could be shown by the ability to express your feelings and emotions without being mean or rude to other people and without infringing their rights. e. Social Development – any individual develops himself through socialization. Through scouting, boys and girls meet different people with different attitudes. Scouts could enhance not just one’s characteristics but also one’s view on life through conversing and communicating with others. Developing the social dimension of his/her personality is a part to fulfill our journey in life. f. Spiritual Development – scouts are taught to put God above all things. Every activity they do must be offered to the Lord. They are taught to have a strong faith and believe in their religion. But we all know that there are many religions and beliefs. Thus, scouts are taught to stay faithful, yet respect other people’s religion. Scouting could give us a lot of benefits. It enhances many aspects in our lives and develops our skills and crafts. It could give us greater education through the learning experiences it offers which might not be gathered just through formal education inside the school. One’s mind and body are developing through scouting.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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