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Education program for street children.

Education is the backbone of the nation, education develops the life of humanity. Among the 17 parts of the SDG, I noticed that the part number 4 mentions quality education, which is a barrier to the development of our country. Education is the basic right of every human being. And with the aim of realizing this right, we teach literacy to the underprivileged street children for 6 days.

The education program for underprivileged street children was held at Islambagh, Baganbari, We started our teaching program with a few people and later on we graduated to over 55 people.With our own funding, we were able to provide literacy education to a number of underprivileged children in a short period of time.

The main objective of our project was to make underprivileged children have minimum literacy and to be able to write their own names or to be literate. Which we are able to implement thoroughly.
There is no place for learning, but due to the tension of money, time, environment, location, desire, even if one has a desire, it is not realized. And as a result, many are prematurely deprived of education and deprived of basic rights.We have tried to implement it to some extent through an educational project.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Humanitarian action
Peace and Community Engagement
Skills for Life

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