During the winter season, Scouts of Shaki spent a day trying to build an igloo.

During the winter season, Scouts of Shaki spent a day trying to build an igloo.

During the winter season, Scouts of Shaki spent a day trying to build an igloo. Most people have seen pictures of the domed snow block structure known as an igloo. The small domed house most of us have seen in cartoons and movies is a structure which can be constructed in an afternoon. If you have an opportunity to watch and participate in building an igloo with someone who knows the process, that is the best way to learn .They learned to make igloos from the previous winter scout camps. .scouts did all their best to build an igloo, but the snow was too soft for it, that's why they couldn't finish. MATERIALS NECESSARY: - Snow saw, 14-20 inches long - Snow shovel - Waterproof gloves or mittens - Snowshoes may be needed to access site The final blocks must usually be set from the inside. The last is tilted on end, then turned and brought down into place like the lid on a Jack-O-Lantern.
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme

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