Don't make trees rare, keep them with care.

i was inspired by the forest deparment who are trying to conserve the forest by protecting it and planting trees. From them i was inspired and thought i have to help them cause they are trying to make our mother nature a beautiful and peaceful place
The project was implented in Taju where the volunteer who are giving there best to help us to plant trees in the area. Around 9Am we have started our project and about 5 hours we have plant about 2000 plants in different area in Taju.
From this project about 400 people living in Taju area will be benfited The impact are prevent soil erosion,help buffer noise pollution,protect the wild lifes.
From this project I learn that trees are the main sources to protect our mother earth who cares us when we are in need so we have to care our mother heart when it need our help at most. I can make it better if we get more plants from the forest deparment.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Better Choice
Environment and Sustainability

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