Covid-19 Awareness Through Social Media

Covid-19 Awareness Through Social Media

As a messenger of peace I believe it is my responsibility to keep the general public informed on the importance of staying home. Most of the people are now in lockdown and social media is the best platform to share messages on staying safe. Together with my district scout group I started a challenge of posting photos with safety messages regarding this pandemic and tagging other scout to do the same. 

Many people were tagged and many safety messages were delivered online through Facebook and it really created an impact to the communitis and the nation as whole. we received a lot of positive feedbacks. This challenge was also recognised internationally by other scouts and we got to know this in the Joti presentation done by Mr. Kailash Pillay; he was asked many times about this challenge from international scouts. This was also recognised by the Asia Pacific Region in their latest bulletin.  ( attached)

I believe the messages were vivid covering a large number of people.  

Number of participants
Service hours

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