Community Service

form where i inspire to take up the project is that whenever i get free time i use to help other people and neighbor too. The love, support, and hard work from my parents to rise, shelter, educate and nature me are commendable and i know i am lucky to have them. there love for me inspires to keep pushing in life and help other people. Also my friend who works as a volunteers work always motivate or inspire me to join volunteers work.
in 2018, i helped my neighbor whose house got damaged do to earthquake so there i worked for one month. after completion of the damage house my neighbor thanked me and my friend too.
One people benefited from this project and they were happy and satisfied.
what i learn from implementing this project is that we should help others people and do good work which would benefit the society. i would make it better by encouraging other people to participate in volunteering work.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Health lifestyles
Youth Engagement
Peace and Community Engagement

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