cluster level investiture ceremony
The total of 239 new recruits nachung, nazhoen scouts, 2 Community Based Scouts member along with 10 scout leader from Logodadam primary school, Khuru MSS, Ugyen Adcademy and Punakha Centra school under cluster V gathered at PCS Lhakhang for the commitment ceremony. The new recruits along with the scout leaders of the schools gathered at school Lhakhang at 9:00 AM. The guest of honour for the day was Tshochen Lam from Punakha dzong. The ceremony started with welcome speech, lighting of butter lamp and by sanctifying the scarves by lama, followed by Zhabten for His Majesty, National anthem and Camp anthem. We also recited a short prayer for the wellbeing of all the sentient beings. After recitation of the prayers lama awarded the scarves to all the newly recruited Nachungs, Nazhoens and CBS member followed by oath taking ceremony.
All the members were served with refreshment. After the refreshment we took a photo session followed by songs, yells and dances. The day ended well by congratulating all the new recruits in scouting. The commitment ceremony ended successfully at 12:30 PM.