"Cleanliness Drive" Step toward Clean Environment

As we have experienced that from past few years the land pollution has increased immensely by a large percentage which not impact the life on land but also life under water. According to a research the pollution on on our planet Earth has increased by a massive amount which by year is rising.
As we felt the importance of clean and sustainable environment, our scouts took an initiative by kicking off with a "Cleanliness Drive ". Basically our core objective was to spread awareness on clean planet and this could only be done by starting it in your own society. Around 100 scouts participated in this drive and tried to clean the nearby areas around.
After this project we witnessed that now there were many people willing to join us for our cleanliness drive and were ready to give their services. Now our area has started to look clean as before is was too polluted.
We learnt that a small group can inspire and motivate a large number of people, if they are doing the work for a right cause. Moreover it's our responsibility to keep our home (earth) clean and green, so that we could improve the quality of life we all are currently living.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Nature and Biodiversity
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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