My motivation for this project was to safe environment for the coming generation and to make this planet healthy, clean, and liveable. Apart from all these motives as a human, we have a responsibility that we should clean our environment and make it clean for other living beings and indirectly save the earth's future and work for the betterment of it.
Nowadays pollution is increasing in the world, so we planned to deal with this issue by possible solutions which were in our capacity. We planned to target land pollution issues for which a cleanness drive was organized by the Ismaili Scout Unit. We divided ourselves into small groups in which Shaheen Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Rover Scouts are equally divided, and were assigned to different localities. We collected different types of garbage from the park, streets, and grounds.
This project assisted in improving the quality of life of people and the cleanness of the environment of the different localities, by cleaning parks, grounds, and streets. Through this activity, other people also get inspired and help us in this drive.
From this project, I learn that this is the responsibility of mankind to save nature and make it survivable for them and coming generations.