
Cleanliness Drive - First Steps Towards Clean Home

Making this planet healthy, clean, and livable was my driving force behind this project. We wanted to protect the environment for the next generation. Aside from all of these reasons, it is our duty as humans to preserve our environment for other living things, indirectly save the planet's future, and work for its improvement.
The world's pollution levels are rising today, so we made a plan to address this problem using any tools at our disposal. We intended to focus on the land pollution problems for which the Ismaili Scout Unit organised a clean-up campaign. Shaheen Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Rover Scouts were equally divided among our small groups, which we then dispersed to various locations. We gathered various kinds of trash from the park, the streets, and the surroundings.
By cleaning parks, grounds, and streets, this project helped to improve the quality of life for people and the cleanliness of the environment in the various localities. Other people are inspired by this activity and support us in our efforts.
I learn from this project that it is the responsibility of humanity to preserve nature and ensure its viability for current and future generations. #MakeTheWorldBetterThanYouSaw
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Youth Engagement
Humanitarian action
Environment and Sustainability
Peace and Community Engagement

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