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South Africa

Cleaning Up our Communities 2023

As Scouts, we wanted to do something that benefits our communities & the environment. Our National Challenge is "Champions for Nature". We wanted to be part of the "Litter Less" Campaign. As part of our programme, we have educated the children about the importance of not littering in the first place. We have shown how recycling can become daily practice, & plastic that can't be recycled can be made into Eco Bricks. Then cleaning up litter is also important for both the animals & people.
We targeted the area outside of our scout hall, which is used by many people. We also cleaned up next to roads of establishments and parks to show that scouts are making a difference in the Community.
People making use of the area could learn from us and do the same (picking up litter and disposing of it responsibly). Educating others about not littering in the first place. When communities see what children are doing, they too feel inspired and follow suit.
The scouts learned that as consumers, we generate a lot of litter. We need to look at organisations who conscientiously use less packaging, so that litter is reduced. Then if packaging is unavoidable, we need to be able to recycle or find a way to reuse it. Education is critical if we arr going to make a sustainable difference. Awareness of our impact on the environment & having respect is also a learning.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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