Clean Up the World 2013 - Welcome to the global community!

Clean Up the World 2013 - Welcome to the global community!

We participated to this program beginning one of the earliest years of it and children enjoyed everywhere in Turkey. Some of the years I collected reports in a book and many years Australian embassy in Ankara supported us. So if you are living in your capital check their agenda on Clean up the World days.. Clean up the world is not only a clean up action but it is a  school of informal education with all of their courseware.   With a series of newsletters we will inform guide and scout groups in Ankara and around Turkey to participate 20th anniversary of this global action   Clean Up the World engages an estimated 35 million volunteers in 130 countries each year, making it one of the largest community based environmental campaigns in the world.We inspire and empower community groups, schools, businesses, and local governments to join as Members and carry out community-based activities that address local environmental issues. By facilitating local action, Clean Up the World brings about global environmental change.Clean Up the World is held in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). "Clean Up the World brings the focus squarely on us – as people, as agents of change. To all members of Clean Up the World, I have one simple message: Thank you. Your actions truly make a difference."Achim Steiner, Executive DirectorUnited Nations Environment Programme Up the World 2013 - Welcome to the global community! This year, Clean Up the World Weekend is taking place on 20-22 September. You can organise a clean up any day of the year though! Ian Kiernan AO, Executive Chairman and Founder of Clean Up the World welcomes you to the 20th year of the campaign. That was me in 1987. When I returned I had a new vision. I wanted to clean up my home country of Australia. I’d seen the devastating effects of rubbish and pollution on my voyage and decided it was time to take action. In 1990 we ran the first national, community-based clean up day that is now part of the Australian calendar. Clean Up Australia Day was so successful, that we decided to share this vision with the global community.So in 1993, Clean Up the World was launched. We mobilised 30 million people in 80 countries, with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme. Over the past 19 years, community groups around the globe have come together to take action. Their willingness to do something to help protect and care for their precious environments is fantastic.2013 is Clean Up the World’s 21st year, which is pretty impressive. The campaign is now live, and ready and waiting for your registrations . So come and join us!This year, together we will show that our local efforts have significant, global, environmental impacts. Being a part of Clean Up the World is easy – your group simply joins as a member and organises an environmental activity. Activities can include planting trees, cleaning parks or beaches, conserving water or running environmental awareness-raising and education initiatives – whatever you local need might be. You know best! Anyone can take part - businesses, community groups, schools, governments or simply a group of people coming together.Activities can take place on any day throughout the year, but can also be a part of Clean Up the World Weekend, taking place on 15th and 16th September.We know it’s not always easy to take action. That’s why we’re here to help with information, materials and encouragement along the way. We also want to hear from you about your activities. Tell us your stories of leadership in action and how you’ve inspired your supporters and volunteers to get on board. To find out more about the Clean Up the World campaign and how to get your group involved, visit: Welcome to the global Clean Up community! If you are going to participate make a comment herewith your groups name number of scouts or youth and titke of the action
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours

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