We are of 96 students and 21 staff of Chali LSS joined the nation in celebrating International Hand Washing Day on the theme "Clean Hand for all" on tri-junction at Gangola where the road from Bumthang,way from Mongar and way from Lhuntse meet one another. The programme was organised by scout and ASPNET club. All users including drivers,passangers,shopkeepers and pedestrians were tought how to wash hands by following 7 hand washing techniques and also gave awareness on diseases spread by not washing hands. The people were very happy and appreciated by our programme and as a thanks they donate with some amounts. We are very fortunate to received such donation from them because the amount will goig to help school to procure soaps and pads for students. At the end of the day we also organised short cleaning campaign near all road sides and around the vegetable stall.