Clean Up, Green Up!

The Boys of Troop 2773 took the inspiration from the stories of the many scout alumni the troop has produced over the years that of exciting yet rewarding activities. They also want to give back to their community, thus initiating this activity even going making this activity as a biannual permanent initiative for the troop and our scouting institution.

Troop 2773 partnered with the Barangay Guimbala-on LGU and other non-government organizations and groups to clean up one of the areas where a tributary (creek) has been clogged with plastic wastes and organic debris. Troop 2773 assisted in the segregation of picked up waste and in sweeping up and picking wastes in a hacienda access road leading to the tributary.

The Boys were able to connect the things they have learned from the Champions for Nature Challenges and Activities. They now know that everything in this world are all interconnected and when one section of this world feels the impact of human activity and abuse, the whole world ecosystem carries the brunt of the impact. Thus, it is important for them to create impact whenever and wherever they can. As Scouts, they are empowered to do so.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Healthy Planet
Responsible consumption
Peace and Community Engagement
Skills for Life
Health and Wellbeing

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