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Ciporeat Village Mosque Renovation and Teaching

The mosque in Ciporeat Village is a place of worship which is very important for the purposes of worship and spiritual development of the locals. Seeing that the condition of the mosque was starting to become obsolete, we took the initiative to carry out renovations to the mosque. This is done to increase the security and comfort of local people who use the mosque. Alongside with it, local kids still need to develop their spiritual knowledge, so we provide religious teaching.

This project was carried out by first discussing with the mosque management regarding the current condition of the mosque at that time. Then, we purchase the necessary building materials before carrying out the renovation. One of the renovations carried out was on the mosque toilet which previously could be said to be unfit. After carrying out renovations, we cleaned the mosque and also taught religious knowledge to local children.

The beneficiaries of this project were around 300 local people who regularly worship and study at the mosque. With this project, they would be more comfortable praying and studying at the mosque. The mosque remains sustainable and can continue to be used in the future. Apart from that, thanks to the teaching we do, the local community also feels helped in teaching religious knowledge.

Through this project, I realized the importance of maintaining various important objects in a society, one of which is places of worship. This of course needs to be done periodically so that people's worship activities are not disturbed so that their spiritual needs can be properly met. Therefore, initiative and cooperation from all parties is needed so that places of worship can remain sustainable in order to create a believing society.

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Civic engagement
Culture and heritage
Diversity and inclusion

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