Children with Prime Minister

Children with Prime Minister

Theme of the Program:

In line with “Happy Nepali and Prosperous Nepal” government slogan, and “To develop disciplined citizen” main objective of Nepal Scout on the very occasion of Happy New Year 2020 Nepal Scouts organized a historic program “Children with Prime minister. In special presence of The Rt. Hon. Prime minister & Patron of Nepal Scouts Mr. K.P.Sharma Oli a wonderful program initiated by children themselves has formally began with National anthem and scouts song. A tidy scout uniformed girl has announced the objective of the program and four other children in the stage along with PM Oli has started the interaction program.

The banner has its beautiful theme written as “Naya Barsa Naya Pahila Bal Balika sanga Pradhanmantri” which indeed is the motivational thing for all children to begin a happy new year. It’s a pleasure of Nepal Scouts to organize the program which in terms provides the opportunity to have a conversation and share the knowledge and experience of top most personal of Nepal government. 

50 schools from Kathmandu Valley and more than 1000 school level children with age less than 16 years age have participated in the program. Program was scheduled for 12:30 PM and right after the reception of Rt. Hon Prime Minister KP Oli with her spouse Radhika Shakya, interaction of the program was started. The important part of the interaction program was seat arrangement. The delegates are arranged in the seat rowed next to children so that they can have conversation and interaction with the high level government officials and intellectuals, teachers and volunteers. Youth and Sports Minister, Secretary and member secretary of Youth and Sports ministry, delegates from prime minister’s office, representatives from different agencies and associations, schools, colleges and news personals has participated the program and are seated in between the rows of children. This is simple way to motivate the young people that they are along with the high officials and delegates from day one of the year and it’s a silent promise to be with them in programming and implementing the youth activities as well.

Interaction part:

The program was the interaction with the Prime Mininster KP Oli with school level childrens. These children from 50 different schools have prepared different questions and then the interaction began with beautiful scout song.  The program was conducted by the little children initiated from the highly managed and decorated stage at Nepal Academy Hall, Kathmandu.  

Have you ever imagined in your childhood day that you will become the Prime Minister one day? When Binamra Shrestha, a school boy asked this question, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli was forced to go down in his memory lane.
Responding to his query, PM Oli said, “Seeing oneself in the post of the Prime Minister for a child, who was born 68 years ago in a remote village of Nepal, was beyond one’s imagination.”
But as he grew up, he said, he realized that the country and its people should be freed from the autocratic regime and the people must be made sovereign.
“For this the country had to be changed and change could be brought about only through revolution,” he said recalling his jail life lasting for 14 years.
“When I was fighting for democracy, I had never thought of being a Prime Minister. My political struggle to establish people’s democratic republic was never aimed at personal advantage. I wanted to end corruption, establish social justice and equality to drive the country towards development and prosperity,” he said.
“Circumstances favored me and I became Prime Minister,” he added.
When Pranish Ghimire asked what the PM would suggest to those children who wished to become prime minister in the future, PM Oli said, “Anyone can become the Prime Minister in the country when sovereignty of the people has been guaranteed.”
“Honesty and sincerity are the secret of the success”, said PM Oli. “No matter what one wished that could be achieved if one works honestly toward the path they had wished to acquire.”
“Time is very powerful. Just utilize the value of time to achieve the success,” he added.
Another participants Nilisha Dahal asked PM why the future of some children were determined by their parents at the tender age.
PM Oli replied that due to poverty, illiteracy and social ill-practice, some parents determine the future of their children in early age and deprived their children from blooming. Forcing children for early marriage and child labor were the examples of this, he added.
In some cases, the parents determine the future of their children to encourage them to achieve what they have expected from their wards, he added.
“If parents provide an opportunity to their children to aspire for their future based on their interest and capability then every child can make exceptional progress,” he said.
When asked if the current education system of the country can compete in the present competitive world, PM Oli said modernization without humanity, social harmony, discipline, and mutual support had no value.
“Therefore, the country is now focused on such education which can generate skilled and bonafide citizens and the government have been working accordingly.”
The young children enthusiastically asked around 14 question ranging from his childhood behavior, his inspirations, interest, the government plans and polices for children.
When asked whether students could acquire politics as their career, he said that the children should have knowledge about politics because when they became eligible for voting, then they could choose the right party to lead their country. “But they shouldn’t be diverted from their study.”
After hearing all his answers, a student of Xavier Academy asked the PM how he could answer all the questions so flawlessly and what the secret behind his immense source of knowledge was.
PM Oli said the statement itself was wrong because learning was a never-ending process of life.
“But the person should always be update about the issues of their field and they should also have general knowledge.”
The young people had cheered Prime Minister Oli for his answers.

After the program children looked happy and were satisfied with the answers by their prime minister and patron of Nepal Scouts. Small children were asked about the feedback, they looked equally impressed and happy.

The event was broadcasted live in many of mainstream media in Nepal which directly helped Nepal Scouts to promote scouting.

Expected Impacts and Outcomes:

Nepal Scout expects this type of program would spread a positive message to the young children and other stakeholders for Nepal Scouts. It will inspire all young people of the country to join in scouting for overall development. The children from many schools were provided with a photo call with the Prime Minister while Nepal Scouts provided New Year’s gift to all participating children on behalf of the Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli.
This was the first public event the Prime Minister attended after he went through the appendicitis surgery. He spent almost two hours with the children braving the chill of winter. 

National and local newspaper has highlighted the PM’s words and spread through online media as well. This will appeal the guardians of children to join scouting and stamped the positive impression among them.


The program was successful and has achieved the expected outcome. Children with all participant were happy by the presence of Prime minister as he had attended as first public program after his surgery. Nepal Scouts has reviewed the program, took feedbacks from the participating children, schools and the guardians and has concluded that this program is a huge success. Nepal Scouts will continue to take in, involve and inspire young people to create a better world.

Number of participants
Service hours
Communications and Scouting Profile
Good Governance
Youth Engagement

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