CHALLENGE 5: Ocens Challenge Badge
Under develoment in collaboration with United Nations agencies, civil society and other organizations, the United Nations challenge badges are intended to raise awareness, educate and motivate young people to change their behavior and be active agents of change in their local communities. The challenge badge series can be used by teachers in school classes and by youth leaders, and especially Guide or Scout groups.
Now it is your turn İf you start it and made some activities please visit our community on facebook Global Youth activities or wait to book to be published
The challenge badges are designed to support you in undertaking educational activities. However, as you will be implementing these activities in different contexts and environments, it is up to you to ensure that the activities you choose are appropriate and safe.
Badge structure
Activities are divided into five main sections:
· What and where are the oceans?
· Shaping life on the planet
· Weather and climate
· People and the oceans
· Exploration and action
Each category contains ten different activities that have been coded according to different age groups. Most activities are suitable for more than one age group and the majority contain ideas to extend the activity for the older and more able children in the class or group. The learning aim for each activity is stated at the beginning, but each activity also encourages the development of wider skills such as powers of observation, team work, creativity, speaking in public and community involvement.
To earn the badge, children and young people need to complete two activities from each category (so ten in total), but if additional activities are of interest to them, encourage them to do extra! Each activity has a tangible output against which children’s and young people’s progress can be gauged. If the suggested outputs are not of interest to the children/young people, encourage them to think of an alternative.