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CCS Senior Scouts take part in TreePlantingProject

As Scouts during lockdown, we wanted to help others and at the same time learn something. So we attended a Crew Leader Training Course and participated in the Tree Planting project/activity in this 3-day course. Planting trees can help in our surroundings as it can clean our air, control erosion and reduce climate change.

We conducted this project in our own homes during our 3-day course together.
An estimated of 30 people benefited in this project. Our streets can have cleaner air now that we have planted trees in our garages.

We learned that through one simple act, our actions could help our family, then our community, then our nation, then the world. If this project was conducted face to face, we could probably plant more trees.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Clean Energy
Environment and Sustainability

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