CBE for 21st century learners
An officer from National school curriculum conducted two days orientation programme on CBE (Competency Based Education) to the teachers of Pelrithang HSS. We teachers are oriented on the importance of considering the young learners and meet their learning needs through child friendly approach and learner centered strategies. Such a nice concept motivated us and we are determined to convey the message and educate the CBE concept to all the people in the community.
Two days CBE orientation took place in Pelrithang HSS, Sarpang Bhutan. After attending the Orientation, we collected all the motivational movies and PPT slides and shared through our group chats forum that we have with the parents.
Parents and children were advocated about the competency Based curriculum and the roles that the parents and children themselves need to take in this 21st century education system.
Teachers and parents had a wonderful and fruitful discussions.
Over 1500 students and parents benefited from this project. Teachers' such initiatives of reaching out the concept of CBE and Teaching Learning strategies to parents was liked and appreciated by all the parents.
Parents pointed out in the discussion that this type of enriching projects by teachers will help to keep the information of their children's' learning updated and can provide support to their needs.
Teachers received positive feedback and stronger support from all the parents.
From this project, we learnt that parents are not aware that curriculum and education systems need to change along with the change in time.
Parents were judging their children's learning only through the knowledge part and did not know how to judge from the skills and value point of view.
Therefore, it is a responsibility of every teachers to constantly share the changes taking place in the system with the parents. This helps in clearing confusion amongst teachers, students and parents.