CAP : activity 09 / 10 : " MAKE MODEL FROM WASTE"
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CAP : activity 09 / 10 : " MAKE MODEL FROM WASTE"

CAP : camp activity package : climate change module : #9th activity in 10 During March, we, İzdos scout group, İzmir, Turkey, are having "10 activity" package in the concept of camp. The nineth is one instead of part of weekend camp's second morning inspection 9th activity is about "USE WASTE AROUND YOU, AND THINK WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO. MAKE MODEL OF IT " The patrols are taking photos of them with their models to lead society to think that If you want to go the place, you want much more on world, you should protect our world. Please keep following to see other 9 activities in this module..
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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