CAP : activity 06 / 10 : " OBSERVE"
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CAP : activity 06 / 10 : " OBSERVE"

CAP : camp activity package : climate change module : #6th activity in 10 During March, we, İzdos scout group, İzmir, Turkey, are having "10 activity" package in the concept of camp. The sixth is one instead of part of weekend camp's an activity station 6th activity is about "OBSERVE THE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE & HUMAN TOUCH ON NATURE IN IZMIR" . The patrols are taking photos around when they notice any effects or touch to lead society about the topic. Some of them are that; scouts are showing an olive tree ,protected, in a construction area; a dirty park before the scout cleans it; unnecessary concrete in the middle of grass, old wooden tower , grasses coming to ground instead of pavement..... Please keep following to see other 9 activities in this module..
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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