Camp for Explore, Dream for Discover
Profile picture for user Scout Rabten_1

Camp for Explore, Dream for Discover

On 29th June, 2018 we 20 leadership scouts has voulenteered in one week camp of Paro District(Dzongkhag) at Betikha. Before the participants came, we prepared the the place by decorating and on 1st July 184 participants registered for the camp. From the following day we woke up at 5:00 am moring and teach aerobic dance and some BP exercise to the scouts. As the time pass by the scouts learn different kind of activities whivh benifited them with many knowledge amd skills. Out of many benifits they said that they have experienced the greatest gaol that they achieved was being physicaly fit and mentally strong. On the 7th July, 2018 before we depart all the scouts have clean the place again and they we depart by hugging each other.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety

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