BSP Investiture and Encampment

BSP Investiture and Encampment

85 young boys became fully invested members of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines last January 17, 2019 at the St. Therese Educational Foundation of Tacloban, Inc. The event was graced by the the presence of local Council Scout Executive Manix Marta as well as Eagle Scout, alumus and resource speaker Alexander Salarda, and the institution heads and scout leaders. Immediately following the investiture was an encampment that covered both the soft skills as well as the hard skills that they would apply for the rest of their scouting life. The event wouldnt be possible without the assistance and support of our 3 already invested boy scouts, 25 senior scouts and 5 of the institution's finest adult leaders including the speakers, scout coordinator, and staff.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement

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