United States of America

Brinton Run Preserve Tree Planting

Pack 231 wanted to help a local organization with a goal to plant several hundred trees before Spring 2024. The organization is a non-profit with limited staff who would be unable to complete the task without assistance. The Pack helps community organizations on a regular basis with volunteer hours.

The project started with one den of 11 scouts who wanted to complete a specific requirement. Once the other members of the Pack found out, the volunteers expanded to come from 5 dens and included members of other local Cub Scout packs and Scouts BSA troops

Several thousand people will benefit from this project. When these trees are mature, they will provide shade along hiking trails that are regularly used at the local preserve. Presently, about 6000 people hike the trails annually. With more vegetation and shade, it is anticipated that more individuals will use the trails and wildlife will have a sanctuary.

The scouts learned the importance of planting trees for clean air, wildlife habitats, and the environment. The scouts learned how to correctly plant trees and protect them during the first several years of their growth.

Number of participants
Service hours
United States of America
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Engagement

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