Menstruation is a taboo subject in Côte d'Ivoire. Many girls who experience their first period often face difficulties According to a UNESCO report, 1 in 10 girls do not go to school during their menstrual cycle, which is equivalent to a loss of 20% of school time per year. year. Menstrual management becomes a constraint and a problem for them due to the lack of information, adequate infrastructure and easy-to-use hygiene products.
The results speak for themselves Girls are often stressed in class during their menstruation period, do not attend classes; most of them miss classes during this period and stay at home at least 4 days a month; cause of school dropout in several girls. Given all this, 5 scouts initiated SOYONS REGLO. From November 2022 to May 2023, we traveled to the different cities of the country to encourage discussions on the subject in order to break taboos.
SOYONS REGLO has responded to this situation by supporting the girls most at risk of abandonment by setting up a package of adapted services. Thus more than 90 resource persons (one person per school) have been identified and trained in the management of menstrual hygiene (knowledge and mastery of the menstrual cycle, hygiene around menses, the correct use of towels hygiene, the consequences of the onset of menses, etc.).
The project has enabled the distribution of 1,000 kits of sanitary napkins to 800 girls identified in 20 schools in different municipalities. From now on, girls are informed and advised on menstruation and no longer risk dropping out of school. Menstrual hygiene education is key to keeping girls in school. WITH SOYONS REGLO, SCOUTS TACKLE MENSTRUAL PRECARIOUSNESS.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Côte d'Ivoire
Youth Engagement
Sexual and reproductive health
Health lifestyles
Health and Wellbeing

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