MINI ROVER MOOT, celebrating 100 years Rovering, from 19th to 25th February, 2018 held at Divisional Scout Headquarter, Khairpur, above 200 Rovers from all over Sindh and other Provinces participated in this historical event organized by All-Siddique Scouts Open Group, arranged by District Boy Scouts Association Khairpur, with collaborations Sindh Boy Scouta Association.
We have Arranged Better world Framework for the Rovers & conducted main following events
Environment Nature study
SgS Scout go Solar Gadgets
MoP Messengers of Peace activities
Youth Form
Cultural Exchange show
Peace Walk
Community Services
Social Services
Career Counseling
Camp Inspections
Pioneering Projects
Camp Gadgets
The Members of Team & Organizer, Activity Committees was traveled to Khairpur 452 km (7) Hours from Karachi. I was spend my services average 9 hours daily as per scheduled program