Beach Cleaning programme#2- International peace day

Beach Cleaning programme#2- International peace day

#Life in land #life below water #clean water and sanitation #covid-19 During the pandemic period of covid-19 our members were get involved in this initiative action of coastal cleaning. a team of 8 rover rangers including a little cub were visited the sea beach of swargadwar, puri, odisha area with proper precautions and clean one part of the seashore by removing the garbage like plastic bottles, disposal plate and cup, polythin, rappers and dead hydrilla water plants from the costal lines. total action was taken 5 hour. it's not easy to clean the whole seashore but as much as possible they dedicated their efforts to clean the costal area. to celebrate the occasion of international day of peace it's a small initiative by our members.
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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