BAU Research Progress Workshop
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BAU Research Progress Workshop

Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES) organized a workshop on Research Progress. In this workshop, 6 Rover of BAURSG family joined to this workshop for giving service. 

Aims and Objectives of BAURES

The aims and objectives of the Research System are as follows:

  1. To provide for research work of highest order in all branches of agricultural sciences for advancement and dissemination of knowledge in those subjects currently in force at this University and those which may be instituted in future according to the need of the hour;
  2. To formulate, organize, frame, co-ordinate and execute all research schemes with the co-operation of respective academic departments according to the genius of the University and the need of the country;
  3. To make arrangements for monitoring and evaluation of research programmes;
  4. To organize symposia, conferences and seminars on various aspects of agricultural sciences;
  5. To publish journals, bulletins, research reports and other information materials of both fundamental and applied nature and to create necessary facilities for this purpose;
  6. To perform such other acts, whether incidental to powers aforesaid or not, as may be requested in furtherance of the objectives of the University.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF

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