Profile picture for user RanggaSetiyoko_1

Bamboo Camp

Bamboo thrives in tropical regions like Indonesia and is vital for land rehabilitation and soil conservation near springs. Leuwikaret Village in Klapanunggal, Bogor Regency, showcases stunning hills and valleys with abundant water resources in springs and underground caves. However, sand and cement mines threaten this area's beauty. In response, we're planting bamboo to restore the environment in this region.
I collaborate with the NGO The Climate Reality Project Indonesia in the Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Crisis event. In this event, I received exceptional speakers and materials related to climate change, biodiversity, and the role of bamboo as a plant for land rehabilitation. Following that, we planted bamboo in the areas that have been impacted and rendered arid due to illegal sand mining.
I realize that bamboo is not just a sturdy and strong plant. Bamboo plays a crucial role in maintaining the environmental ecosystem. As a scout, we have a role in preserving and caring for the impacted environment so that it can return to its green state.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Engagement

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