Profile picture for user hamza4248

"Awareness activities to prevent dengue."

As a rover scout, i always try to do some good works for my Community. Now dengue is a serious problem in our country. There are many people died in our country by the bites of "Aedes Mosquitos ". So, i and my rover scout group decided to create awareness among our College students to prevent Dengue .

Inspired by our honourable principal and rover scout leader, we decided to create awareness among the college students and clean the hole college campus. Then we went to the classes and aware the students about Dengue and it’s dangerous effect.

By completing this project, the students are able to know about Dengue and it’s dangerous effect. And the college campus was cleaned properly so that the Aedes Mosquitos Can't create infection.

In this project i learned how to do team work. And how to create awareness among others.

Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Health lifestyles
Better Choice

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