Profile picture for user Antonio Zelaya_1
El Salvador

ASES 2025 - Institutional strengthening

The development of the project seeks to generate an economic and sustainable impact within the organization at the national level. As a direct result of the support received by the Messengers of Peace Fund, the operational capacities of the ASES will benefit, improving the registration or resurgence processes of Scout Groups that have been disintegrated by the pandemic, as well as advice on the reactivation of face-to-face activities. for the entire membership of the organization.
With the strengthening of the administrative and operational processes of the institution based on the youth program, it will be guaranteed in the different stages of the project, that the administrative and operational personnel satisfactorily comply with the technical-professional and psychological profile necessary for the performance of the functions. According to their work area and under the defined processes developed as a complement to the operational plan for a five-year term.
In this way, efforts will focus on the use of resources in an efficient, effective and agile way, promoting the establishment of alliances and agreements with other institutions at the national level, in addition to the sale of services to institutions that need it, which will mean a significant economic income to support Scouting operations at the national level on a sustainable basis.

In this project we are going to learn about the implementation of Scouts World Brand The development of Partnerships with in NGOs About Psychological, administrative procedures and legal terms Team building and cooperation management Financial and governance management

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
El Salvador
Communications and Scouting Profile
Global Support Assessment Tool
Good Governance

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