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"ANUKULLO" 13th Hussars Open Rover Scout Group

We the scouts of '13th Hussars Open Rover Scout Group' witnessing the sufferings of the jobless day laborers and other poor people during the pandemic of COVID 19 got motivated to do the "Anukullo" project where we distributed an estimated amount of Ration for 10 days among 12 families. And later on, while handing over the goods, the smile, tears of happiness their eyes and their words of blessing motivated us to implement more such kinds of project.
The project was implemented in the poor slum areas of our nearby localities. We firstly collected donations from every willing member of our group and relatives of them. Then we made a budget plan for the utensils, bought and gathered them in our office. Finally, we made small groups and went to different areas to distribute the goods.
Almost 300 people including the members of our group were benefitted. Some with foods to sustain their family from hunger for a few days and some with the blessing given by the poor after receiving the goods. ANUKULLO project taught me the taste of pleasure after spreading happiness and receiving blessings. Lots of poor people got some food to feed their families when they were unable to serve their families due to unemployment.
We have learned about the happiness of serving others especially the helpless ones. While implementing the project we got to improve our time management , budget planning, teamwork, selflessness, etc. skills. I with my own initiatives would try to plan and implement this type of project in the coming future.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Youth Engagement
Health lifestyles
Peace and Community Engagement

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