Advocacy for street children family re-integration

Street children are one of the most marginalized populations, they face systemic discrimination, are at a much higher risk of being harmed and are denied a voice, children are always the first victims when it comes to drugs, violence, rape and prostitution resulting in being trapped in a vicious cycle of pain and misery. Clan Saint George initiative advocating street children visible and taken into account hence having access to their rights; shelter, nourishment, identity and education
Our team: Isaie MURAGIJIMANA, Yves KARASIRA, Bonne Esperance IRADUKUNDA, Ernest KIMENYI, Zawadi NIYODUSENGA, Norbert MASENGESHO, Magnifique UMUHOZA Activities: RESEARCH, Eat Together, Teach Each Other, Give A Moment, Advocacy, Psycho-Education, Clothes Health services, Education material, Chickens. Outcomes: Preventing new street children and promoting family re-integration, Promoting no poverty and zero hungry, Studying handcraft and civil education, Promoting good health and wellbeing.
Throughout the series of actions, we aim to perform: To shift the approach to street children from legalistic to preventive, protective, acknowledgement and rehabilitative interventions, hence focusing on: • Root causes and not only on symptoms • Mainstreaming actions for street children • The rights of street children as citizens and not as charity cases or delinquents • Street children not only as victims but also as citizens with the right to participate in decisions that target them.
Lessons Learned in the project is a good method for the conscious and sustainable generation of knowledge from experience and others are: 1. Informing and building the team (communication & assembling the team), 2. Gathering phase (gathering of topics during the project), 3. Workshop preparation, 4. Workshop we use those Lessons Learned to guide us to identify and implement the potential for optimization in our projects!
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Youth Engagement
Peace and Community Engagement

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