Advancement Ceremony; Promoting Scouts to next level

Advancement Ceremony; Promoting Scouts to next level

Mongar Higher Secondary School marked and celebrated the 10th Coronation Day of His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck by organising annual school picnic and "Advancement Ceremony" for the Scouts. we were fortunate and blessed to have Dasho Dzongda of Mongar to honor us with the badges and certifcates to Scouts. Mongar HSS has 67 Scouts, where two Scouts were promoted to the highest level of Toenpa, 3 to Sharibu, 59 of them to Magualbu and three were promoted to Kuengao ranking. We also highlighted on the importance of Scouting, history of Scouting, advancement in Scouting and various activities carried out by Mongar HSS Nazhoen Scouts in the year 2016. Background on Advancement of Scouts; Lord Baden Powel instituted a badge system in society because to prepare boys and girls for leadership with good moral characters trained for duty and services to others. The scout advancement is prepared and arranged in progressive manner from “kuengao to Toenpa” BSA has drawn its inspiration from philosophy of the “Thuenpa Puenzhi” for the advancement scheme. The Thuenpa phuenzhi in Bhutanese parable has it that long ago, four animals-an elephant, a monkey, a rabbit and a bird lived a life of peaceful coexistence. The four animals depending on its strength depicted as supporting the other, to reach to the fruit of happiness and harmony. All the beings of animal kingdom tried to emulate this exemplary life style, bringing much happiness and harmony in the animal world. Similarly, BSA hopes to develop a commitment in young people to the Buddhist philosophy of non-violence, tolerance, compassion, love and peace which enables the Bhutanese live in harmony for centuries.
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme

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