Adult Training Session on Safe from Harm (SfH)
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Adult Training Session on Safe from Harm (SfH)

As a responsible Scout Leader of Pakistan Boy Scouts Association (PBSA) I am committed to save its youth membership from any harm and provide them safe environment throughout their time in the movement for their well being, healthy development and safety from any harm. Facilitated as Member of the Training Team at Course for Assistant Leader Trainer – 2020 held at Baluchistan Boy Scouts Association from October 10 - 17, 2020 organized by Pakistan Boy Scouts Association and conducted session on Safe from Harm (SfH).


Following were the discussion points during the session:

  1. It is the responsibility of each adult in scouting to ensure the appropriate behavior at all times and observance of rules formulated for the safety of young people
  2. Parents have a right to know everything that their son/daughter is going to be involved in
  3. By knowing each individual (young person) leader (Adult) will know how he/she will react when the limit of his/her ability is being challenged
  4. Every adult in scouting should know his/her own limits and abilities. Leading an activity with any potential risks, leader must ensure the working within his own capabilities
  5. It is right and proper that a child should be able to challenge the behaviour of adults.
  6. Emphasis is on young people, we should all look out for one other, regardless of age. Good common protection practice means ensuring everyone is aware of the signs of potential abuse, and acts immediately if he or she witnesses such abuse
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety

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