ALL ABOUT ABC ORGANISED BY OSBSG Body Confidence Body confidence is how a person feels about the way they look. When we have body confidence we accept, and are happy with, how we look and what our bodies can do. Self-esteem A feeling of self-respect. Someone with high self-esteem believes in themselves, and in their worth as a person. Action Project This programme aims to guide and give your group the understanding, skills and ideas you need to plan and deliver advocacy activities to make a difference to the problem of low body confidence. To achieve the badge, your Action Project must do two things: • Identify and reach out to a decision maker to ask for change • Involve members of your community - reaching at least 3 people each. There are ideas of how to do this in the programme. The aim is to raise awareness of the issue within your community, and to encourage more people to Take Action. Image Myth this is the ‘ideal look’ that is defined by the society we live in. The Image Myth itself can vary around the world – for instance the ideal in some societies for girls is thin, tanned and curvy, whereas in others it is petite with fair skin. Globally girls, women, boys and men feel strong pressure from media, friends, family and others to achieve their society’s version of this look. We call it the Image Myth because it is impossible to achieve every aspect of the look – and in reality there are lots of ways to be beautiful or handsome. It is important to be clear with your group that if someone does meet some of the ideals in the image myth, they are not made to feel bad in any way. They are equally part of the diversity of beauty in your society! We want to make sure that no-one should feel pressured to look a certain way. It is not to say that people who do look more like the Image Myth are in any way wrong. Advocacy the WAGGGS definition of advocacy is - We influence people to take decisions that will improve our lives and the lives of others. This means: • we influence (persuade) people - by speaking, doing and educating • to take decisions - for example on policies/rules, actions, attitudes, funding, support etc. • that will improve our life and the lives of others – aiming towards the result we are trying to achieve See printout 6 for more information. Campaign this is a planned series of actions that aim towards a set of clear objectives, and aimed at a specific target audience. Community this can mean a group of people living in the same area, or a group of people that have something in common, like a common cause or interest. Community Action is any activity that is run by a community or aims to make changes within a community. Influencer this is a person or group of people who have influence on the decisions other people or groups of people make. For example, a group of pupils could have an influence over the decisions a school principal makes. Or a blogger could have influence on the behaviour of the people who follow her blog. Decision-maker this is a person or group of people who has the power to make decisions that affect other people. This could be someone with national or global power like a President or Prime Minister, all the way to someone with power in a local community like the editor of a local newspaper, or even a parent in a family setting. Challenge 1 See The Change (over two sessions) • Understand the Image Myth, and how it contributes to low body confidence • Identify the body confidence issues that affect young people in your community • Understand where the Image Myth comes from and who has the power to make a difference • Uncover the roots of a problem caused by the Image Myth and low body confidence Challenge 2 Plan The Change • Learn about advocacy and practice your skills • Set a goal for the change you want to make with your Action Project • Decide which individual(s) or institutions with the decision making power you will ask for change • Create an action plan to achieve your goal, to influence your chosen decision maker and involve your community • Agree how you will tell other people about your Action Projec Challenge 3 Make The Change • Get your team together and build your teamwork skills • Build the skills needed to speak out with confidence and persuade decision makers • Put your plan into action! Challenge 4 Share The Change • Sign up to U-report and share your individual experiences directly with WAGGGS • Share your actions on the Free Being Me website, and on social media • Celebrate and evaluate your achievements All activities.. • Plan what’s next Take it Home Challenge: Survey Build Me Up Discovering The Image Myth Survey results Where does the Image Myth come from? The World We Want To See The Root of the Problem Who and what can help solve the problem? Image Myth Talk Show Stand Strong 3-2-1 Advocate! Plan your Project Run your project Share with the world Evaluate! What’s next? Celebrate! BSGINDIA OdishaStateBsg BsgEasternRegion
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