6th National Community Development Camp-2018

6th National Community Development Camp-2018

Bangladesh Scouts organized the ' 6th National Community Development Camp-2018’  Haimchar, Chandpur Bangladesh, on 31st march to 5th April,2018. The theme of the camp "Scouting to create a sustainable society'. This was a biggest gathering for scouts, Rover scouts and scouter. participants were participated in various program and challenges such as camp care, Community development activity, scout skill, hiking, Global development, youth form etc. Prime Minister of Bangladesh PM inaugurates the' 6th National Community Development Camp-2018’. total of 7,500 scouts, Rover scouts and scout were participating from home and abroad in the camp.

In this camp I was deputy directors of Hiking. But as Messenger of Peace Team Bangladesh Leader Trainer I am actively participating better world challenges. This challenged was designed based on the better world formwork guild line. In this challenge i was try to Presenting the Messenger of Peace Team Bangladesh Official introduction session basic intro with Scout.org and how to increased service hours. how to uploaded they are stories and project.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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