2018 Earth Day - Hualien Scouts Beach Cleaning Day
世界地球日 花蓮童軍淨灘日
Earth Day, Hualien Scouts Beach Cleaning Day
今天世界地球日,您有什麼故事與我們分享呢? 趕快私訊到我們粉絲專頁吧 ;)
The team of Hualien #Scouts Messengers of Peace together joined the beach cleaning event on 22 April organized by Hualien County Government and Cathay Financial Holding. About 40 scouts and family participated this event.
The theme of #EarthDay2018 is “End Plastic Pollution”, and call whole human being on the earth to reduce to use plastic. By the beach cleaning, we could learn how much plastic pollution destroy our motherland and ocean. By the action, we should learn to rethink when every time before we use the plastic, or how can we do the recycle in the proper way.
The Scouts who are qualified the MOP Taiwan criteria were also awarded the Messengers of Peace badge, to encourage them to continue to be the Messengers of Peace.
Let’s reduce the plastic product, make the social impact and Create a Better World.
Earth Day Network
Scouting in the Asia-Pacific Region
#地球日 #花蓮縣政府 #國泰金控 #花蓮童軍會 #童軍 #和平使者 #和平 #Hualien #Scouting #MoP #MessengersofPeace #Peace #Scouts