We have wanted to apply the learnings of the Boy Scouts Philippine Members and Girl Scouts of the Philippine Members of Don Felix T. Lacson Memorial National High School in their First Aid and Safety training on the Quarterly National Earthquake Drill for them to be prepared in case of the occurrence of earthquake in our area.
The observance of the First Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill, the awareness before disasters happen was performed simultaneously through this year’s National Synchronized Earthquake Drill (NSED) all over the Philippines and adhered by our school, Don Felix T. Lacson Memorial National High School, last March 09, 2023. During the conduct of the activity, the BSP and GSP members act as first aider and conduct first aid and tend injured students and personnel.
700 students and personnel participated in the activity have witnessed how the Boy Scout and Girls Scout will respond to the needs of injured students and personnel in case the disaster happened. Short lecture was also done after the drill, for the participants to be more equipped be more knowledgeable on what to do during earthquake. There was also an evaluation done after the activity to ensure if the students are aware of what they are doing and to correct mistakes during the conduct.
It is better to be prepare for the coming disaster in order for us to avoid to much injuries and casualties during the actual events. Scouting is a great venue to train students to be more resilient and be prepared.