South Africa

1st Kibler Park/JHB Zoo Litter Less Campaign

Our scouts from 1st Kibler Park spent a weekend at the Johannesburg Zoo. In addition to various projects around the zoo assisting the keepers with enclosure clean ups and enrichment activities, they engaged in a Litter Less Campaign on the Saturday afternoon, cleaning up after the visitors that spent the day there.
Scouts armed with gloves and refuse bags walked around the area most used for picnicking and clean up the waste and mess left behind by the days visitors.
Sadly the impact is short term as the visitors to the zoo will continue to without care litter in the zoo happy to allow others to clean up for them. I have no doubt that the time the scouts spent improved the zoo staffs day by allowing them to spend more time on other activities they need to do. More importantly the scouts have developed an appreciation for needing to keep their environment clean and will take that positive attitude forward and share the experience with others.
I think that getting out and physically getting involved with a clean up is the best way for anyone, scout or adult to appreciate how terrible litter is for our environment. How to make it better? Do it more often. Let people see and appreciate and get involved in clean ups so that they feel less inclined to make the mess to begin with.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Healthy Planet
Youth Engagement
Civic engagement
Environment and Sustainability

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