South Africa

1st Hilton Litter Less campaign

I noticed that the stretch of road from our local fruit and vegetable shop, the Rotunda, to our newly built local school, Etham College, was lined with litter. This stretch of road used to be pristine farmland and this upset me, so I was motivated to remove the litter. I wanted to look after the environment.
The project took place along the stretch of road from our local fruit and vegetable shop, the Rotunda, to our newly built local school, Etham College. We all met outside Etham College entrance and separated into different groups. Each group was allocated a certain category of litter eg. glass, paper, plastic and cardboard to pick up so that it would make it easier to recycle it. We all ware gloves and had black plasitc bags.
All the children and staff at Etham college would benefit from our litter clean up. We filled about 15 bags with litter and were able to recycle the litter.
I learnt that teamwork makes it easier and quicker to pick up the all of the litter. I also learnt that it is beneficial to spend organizing and planning as it made it quicker to put the litter into the correct recyling areas.
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Nature and Biodiversity
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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