192 Cub Scouts spread the message of peace

192 Cub Scouts spread the message of peace

“Dyb-dyb-dyb–dyb” “We-e-e-e-ll dob-dob-dob-dob" 192 Cub Scouts from different parts of Taiwan (Taipei City, New Taipei City, Keelung City, Yilan County and Hualien County) gathered for a Grand Howl led by Akela - Mr. Lin Yu-Chang, the Chief Commissioner of Scouts of China (Taiwan) in conjunction with the 100th year of Cub Scouting. They took part in the 100th Anniversary Sixer Training Camp that was held in Long An Elementary School from 22-23 October 2016. Approximately, 192 Cub Scouts and 106 Cub Scout leaders participated this camp. The Chief Commissioner of Scouts of China (Taiwan) and Mr. Jackson S.L. Hsieh, the Chair of the Taipei City Scout Council also attended this event, which was one of the highlights of the White Stag Project, which forms part of the 100th year of Cub Scouting celebration. During the camp, the Cub Scouts and their leaders created Messengers of Peace cards and expressed their appreciation to those who dedicated their time and risked their lives to rebuild the area ravaged by Super Typhoon Nepartak and other typhoons from July to September this year. “Dyb-dyb-dyb–dyb” “Dob-dob 守規律" 192名來自北台灣的小狼*1夥伴齊聚台北市龍安國小,由中華民國童軍林右昌理事長擔任Akela*2領導小狼進行吼聲*3儀式,Akela也給予在場所有的小狼給予肯定及勉勵。 由數名義務服務員籌備的「白鹿計畫」一系列活動是為了要慶祝「世界幼童軍百週年」,「幼童軍百週年小隊長訓練營」北區分營共有192為小狼及106義務服務員參與。基隆市林右昌市長兼中華民國童軍總會理事長、童軍總會蘇德祥秘書長及台北市童軍會謝三連理事長亦出席此次盛會。 此外,活動當中幼童軍們在服務員的帶領下進行「和平使者計畫」的活動,透過講述、宣言卡及遊行來表達青少年們對於和平的想法及概念。世界童軍委員會於 2011 年發起「和平使者計劃」(Messengers of Peace),並由瑞典國王及阿拉伯國王長期資助此計畫,旨在鼓勵世界童軍青年為其社區作出小貢獻,並向全世界推廣,以感染更多童軍成員為社區出一分力。任何有助促進健康、環境、社會環境、安全或減少衝突等的童軍活動,都可納入為「和平使者計畫」。 幼童軍們透過此次的活動向這幾個月風災後的救災英雄們致意,包括了國軍、台電人員、警察及消防隊員等,他們在風災前後嚴守崗位為社會大眾們服務,也期許全世界各地有更多人聽到和平的聲音,並為和平付出,期許世界和平。 *1小狼:取自《叢林奇譚》背景故事,狼群中的幼狼稱之為小狼,經由老狼(成年領袖)的帶領下逐漸成長及獨立。我國幼童軍發整引用此故事背景,故於活動中將幼童軍稱之為小狼。 *2Akela:取自《叢林奇譚》背景故事,為狼群的領袖。我國幼童軍發整引用此故事背景,故於活動中將成年服務員稱之為老狼。 *3吼聲:是取材於叢林奇談中西奧尼狼群圍著會議石向他們的領袖(Akela)致敬的一段故事,後來普遍用於世界童軍運動中幼童軍儀式中,幼童軍宣誓願意盡力並以奉行規律做為結尾。
Started Ended
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Personal safety
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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