" 128 Woodbadgers inducted as Messengers of Peace in Bhutan"
Bhutan Scouts Association organized 4 woodbadge courses in four districts for eligible adult leaders who had fulfilled the course requirements for woddbadge course from January 8- 16 January 2017.
128 adults were provided with advanced course in scouting and messengers of peace. 5 trainers with 5 scout volunteers in each woodbadge course were inlvoved un training 32 adult leaders in each course. A total of 50 trainers and volunteers were involved in training 128 adult leaders and spent about more than 8 hours each day.
Participants were trained on Messengers of Peace, global networking initiatives and vision 2023 of 100 million scout membership. New profiles were created and participants were shown inspiring stories about peace, respect and harmony. The MoP' main goal of inspiring young people through the stories that we share was also shared. All adult leaders agreed to take the MoP forward in their districts and their respective schools.